Top 10 Best Books for Deep Learning

Technical Sharan
6 min readSep 9, 2022



If you’re looking to get deeper into the world of AI and machine learning, then these books are a great place to start. They’ll give you a solid grounding in the fundamentals of deep learning and introduce you to some interesting new techniques.

Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python

Numpy is a library for numerical computation. It’s used for deep learning and machine learning, as well as scientific computing, engineering and other fields.

Numpy provides fast and efficient ways to do linear algebra operations such as matrix multiplication, addition/subtraction/transpose (matrix), determinant (vector) or eigenvalue decomposition (matrix). It has support for high-level features including broadcasting functions (scalar type), reductions over more than one argument which simplify the expression of the result when possible etc…

If you want to learn more about Numpy then check out this [article](https://www-01.ibmcom/support/knowledgecenter/SSS9RU01_1/en?lang=en&keyword=numpy+stack).

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning (David Barber) [2015]

This book provides a thorough introduction to the Bayesian method and its application to various fields of artificial intelligence. The author begins by describing how humans make decisions, then shows how this can be applied in a computer program. He also discusses other topics such as Least Squares Regression and Principal Component Analysis before finally wrapping up with Neural Networks for Artificial Intelligence (Naive Bayes).

The Elements of Statistical Learning (Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman) [2009]

This book provides an introduction to the field of statistical learning. It describes the elements of statistical learning and their application in different problems, as well as their theory. The book also describes algorithms for many important problems such as classification or regression using a single dataset. This book is written by three experts in this field: Trevor Hastie (who was awarded with a grant from Google), Robert Tibshirani (who was awarded with a grant from Microsoft) and Jerome Friedman who have been working together since 1981 when they published “Designing Machine Learning Systems”. In addition to being excellent resources on deep learning topics like neural networks or Bayesian methods they can also help you understand how machine learning works in general since there are many similarities between these two fields that make them similar but still differ enough to warrant separate books!

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Christopher Bishop) [2007]

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning is a textbook that covers the fundamental concepts of pattern recognition, statistical pattern recognition, probabilistic graphical models, genetic algorithms and neural networks. The book also discusses some of their applications in computer vision and machine learning.

The book starts off with an introduction to machine learning followed by a detailed description of probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) which are used for representing data in terms of its relationships between variables. A brief discussion on statistical pattern recognition follows before moving onto genetic algorithms and neural networks which are central components in many modern deep learning systems today.

Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop is one of the best books available on this topic as it provides readers with a broad overview of machine learning theory along with detailed coverage on each topic covered in it

Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (Christopher Bishop) [1995]

Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition is a great book to start learning about neural networks. It’s full of practical applications, and it’s written in an easy-to-understand way. The authors use a lot of code examples that you can download from the website.

This book will teach you how to:

● Understand backpropagation and its applications (including support vector machines)

● Design Bayesian networks

Deep Learning (Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville) [2016]

This book is by no means the only resource you’ll need to learn deep learning, but it’s still an excellent reference. It’s written by Goodfellow and Bengio (the co-authors of the “Deep Learning” textbook), along with Courville. The book covers everything from basics to implementations of neural networks in various applications such as image recognition and language translation.

The authors also make sure to go beyond just describing how these systems work; they explain why they work as well as how they work — and what can go wrong if you don’t do things right!

Deep Learning with Python (Francois Chollet) [2017]

Deep Learning with Python is the perfect book for anyone who wants to get into deep learning. If you’re looking for a book that can help you understand neural networks and how they work, this is it.

The book uses Python as its main programming language and TensorFlow as its machine learning library. It also covers other topics like convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Feed-forward artificial neural network (FAANNs).

The author provides examples in both MATLAB and Python so that readers can follow along without having any prior knowledge of either system.

Artificial Intelligence — A Modern Approach (Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig) [2002]

The book is a classic and has been in print for over 20 years. It’s one of the best introductions to AI, covering many topics that we’ve now seen become mainstream, such as decision theory and optimal control theory.

It’s also an excellent overview of what your typical AI research lab looks like: it discusses how people work together on projects; it describes what they do with their time outside work hours (e.g., attending conferences); it explains how they use tools like Python or Matlab to analyze data; etc..

Artificial Intelligence — Foundations of Computational Agents (David Poole and Alan Mackworth) [2010]

Artificial Intelligence — Foundations of Computational Agents is a good starting point for the study of artificial intelligence. It covers all the basic topics in computer science and gives an introduction to AI. This includes algorithms, neural networks, and machine learning. The book also explores some important philosophical questions such as “Can machines think?”

Machine Learning — A Probabilistic Perspective (Kevin Murphy) [2012]

● The book Machine Learning — A Probabilistic Perspective (Kevin Murphy) [2012] was written by Kevin Murphy and published by Springer. It’s a relatively short read, with only 250 pages of content.

● This book is aimed at people who want to learn about machine learning, but don’t necessarily have any experience with statistics or programming.

● Many of the concepts covered in this book are somewhat abstract compared to more traditional artificial intelligence (AI) texts such as Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: Programming And Implementation (Thomas Hirschbühler AMPIAI). However, they are still relevant if you’re interested in building deep learning systems yourself or want some background knowledge that can help explain how your own research fits into broader trends within AI research over time.

Learning from Data (Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, and Hsuan-Tien Lin) [2012]

Learning from Data is a book about machine learning, and it’s quite the read. It covers topics like probabilistic graphical models, stochastic models and algorithms for machine learning. The authors also introduce several interesting topics such as Bayesian inference, variational inference and approximate inference.

Learning from Data was published in 2012 by Birkhauser at Boston University Press.

Here are some recommended books for deepening your understanding of deep learning.

Here are some recommended books for deepening your understanding of deep learning.

● [1] — Theano: Deep Learning Library by François Chollet and David Silver

● [2] — Theano: From Java to Python by Sebastien Rival

● [3] — Introduction to Deep Learning with Python by Sami Kankanala, Oren Nissim, and Levente Szalay

These three books cover the fundamentals of deep learning in an accessible way, starting from simple concepts and progressing to more advanced topics like neural networks or transfer learning. They’re great reads if you want to understand what makes these technologies work so well — and why they’ve become so popular recently!


We hope that these books help you to develop a better understanding of deep learning and how it can be applied in your own projects. If you want to learn more about artificial intelligence, then check out our other blog post on the topic with links to even more resources!



Technical Sharan
Technical Sharan

Written by Technical Sharan

I am a data scientist passionate about AI and its potentials. And love to write about my experiences in the tech industry and latest tech developments.

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